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Climate change

We sequester over 650,000 tons of carbon per year due to plant photosynthesis.
Emissions management

Our climate strategy includes mainly the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, circularity through the use of by-products in our agricultural and industrial operations, and the use of renewable energy sources.

Carbon Credits

Our three plants in Brazil are certified under the RenovaBio Program and we were the first biofuel producer to trade carbon credits (CBios) in Brazil in June 2020. In this first operation, we sold a volume of 100 CBios. In 2021, we traded more than 500,000 CBIOs.


Our biogas plant in Ivinhema (MS), became the first plant in Brazil to be able to issue Renewable Natural Gas Certificates (GAS-REC), for industries wishing to decarbonize their production using fossil natural gas. At the same time, we were pioneers in the commercialization of these certificates.

Under development

We are developing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) measurement chambers that operate directly from our rice fields. We have built and placed these chambers to take weekly samples of the gases emitted by the crop and soil. Three plots with rice plantations were selected in each field, where samples are taken with a syringe and then analyzed using a gas chromatograph. These chambers provide useful information to accurately measure the carbon footprint of our production and determine our emission reduction targets.

Estación de medición GEI
Logo CO2 Programa argentino de carbono neutro
Continuous improvement
and analysis

We are focused on fostering efficient production models oriented towards continuous improvement. Thus, we participate in the Dairy Roundtable of the Argentine Carbon Neutral Program (PACN, for its Spanish initials), which aims at the consolidation of a sustainable brand for products in the food sector.

Credit potential with
the Biodigester

We are in the final stage of verification to be able to issue carbon credits from the activity of the biodigester N°1 operating in our dairy farm.